An Easy Guide for Buying a Fermentation Crock

If you are a kimchi or pickle lover, you are likely to be interested in a fermentation crock. This is a jar or an earthenware used to pickle vegetables by creating a conducive environment for anaerobic bacteria to thrive. Because there is no oxygen, food spoilage is prevented. This preserves the food as it is fermented. Perhaps you have heard of Sauerkraut Crock in the past.

For those who have not, these jars are used to preserve vegetables and other types of fresh produce throughout winter when they can be hard to find. Today, these jars have gained several other uses such as in the preparation of specialty diets.

Making Kimchi

This traditional Korean diet depends primarily on lactic bacteria or anaerobic bacteria for preservation. Apart from preventing oxygen from getting in, it also seals off the kimchi odor. This makes sure that the rustic flavor of kimchi is retained.

Making Sauerkraut

These jars are also used to ferment finely sliced cabbage with the help of different lactic acid bacteria. The resulting sour cabbage dish is known for its multiple health benefits. And this will remain in a fermentation crock for a considerable time.

Sauerkraut Crock

Brewing Kombucha

This special porcelain crock can be used for brewing kombucha by following the continuous brewing method. This is an alcoholic and sweetened black tea fermented anaerobically using this jar.

If you have finally decided to buy a Sauerkraut Crock, don’t forget to consider the following tips:

Refrain from using plastic

The material used when fermenting affects the output. The best material to be used in a fermenting vessel is ceramic. Plastics, on the other hand, can trap bacteria inside. Its smooth texture is not helpful in fermentation.

Must have stone weights

Make sure that the crock you use comes with stone weights because they are significant to the fermentation process. These must be made of material that is similar to the crock itself, and the best option is ceramic.

Must have safe materials

Choose a ceramic crock that is made of non-porous clay and non-toxic materials. Doing so will ensure that it is safe to use.

Make sure it has a taller inner wall

This jar often comes with a water-trough that has two walls: the outer wall and inner wall. Make sure the inner wall is higher than the outer. This can affect the quality of fermentation. With a shorter inner wall, dirty water may overflow into the outer wall cavity and cause problems in the fermentation process.